Our privacy policy
Below we share a summary of how we process and use your personal data at Dave Curry Motors www.davecurrymotors.ie.
We use personal data of customers, staff and others to best serve our customers, employees and and managing staff and suppliers to operate and control our business.
We do not share your personal information with a third party unless parties acting on behalf of customer service to us, suppliers and contractors i.e.: tyre companies etc.
We use appropriate organisational and technical measures to protect your data from unauthorised success or disclosure.
Personal data is stored in locations that have physical and technical access controls. Access to data is relative to staff job roles, staff receive training and guidance on how to handle personal data.
We keep your personal information for as long as required.
You have a number of rights under GDPR and data protection act 2018:
Right of access – you have a right to request a copy of data we hold about you
You have the right to request to correct any errors in information about you.
You have the right to request we delete the information we hold about you.
We NEVER keep bank details or credit/debit card details belonging to our customers
If you have any queries regarding GDPR please contact data control officer Debbie Curry